Are you a student looking for more funding options through scholarships and grants?
Are you looking for tips to boost your old resume?
You've come to the right place!
Whether you are a student using our Post-Secondary Support Program for funding, a current client, or maybe a new one, we've got you covered. Below, we have prepared different resources to help you no matter what stage of your career you are in.

Student Resources
The following is a list of different websites offering a variety of scholarships and grants. Use these links to find the right scholarship or grant for you. Don't forget to check your schools website for more scholarship and grant opportunities.
Student Exploration Survey
Interns & Apprentices Program
The objective of this program is to provide clients with career opportunities which will lead to continuing employment by providing on the job training to increase client experience and to provide an entry into the workforce of the host employer. The apprentices aspect of this program is intended to assist clients who have expressed that they intend to complete the requirements necessary to be registered Journeymen in one of the skilled trades. Give us a call at ACESS, 613-575-2626, for more information.
Post-Secondary Support Program
The objective of this program is to assist with funding for post-secondary students. Funding can cover living allowance, tuition, textbooks, etc. All participants are required to apply to other sources (such as the Ahkwesahsne Mohawk Board of Education(AMBE) & the Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe Higher Education) prior to approaching ACESS.
For more information see Client Eligibility under Post-Secondary (College/University) section.
Community members may be eligible for Post-Secondary Support program assistance if they are in:
a 1 year college certificate program,
the second half of a 2 or 3 year college diploma program,
the second year (or later) of a University Program*, or
a graduate or professional degree program.
*policy change - for this year - due to the COVID 19 pandemic
Contact a Career Development Officer at ACESS for more information, call 613-575-2626.

Resume Tips
Struggling to write your resume? Don't stress about your resume being perfect. There are many ways to craft a resume. You just have to find the right way to highlights your skills, your accomplishments, and your experiences. Show the employer that you have what they're looking for to fill their open position. Check out the quick tips below when creating or updating your resume.
If you would like assistance in creating or revising your resume or cover letter, contact Leona Francis or Alley Bero at ACESS, 613-575-2626. They provide services such as resume and cover letter assistance, mock interviews, job finding club, employment/employer referrals, and speed networking.

**Local Employers we work with to increase opportunities for clients to achieve their goals.
Ahkwesahsne Mohawk Board of Education
The Ahkwesahsne Mohawk Board of Education (AMBE) Post-Secondary Assistance Program consists of the Post-Secondary Manager, a Data Systems Administrator, and a Student Support Liaison. The AMBE PSAP Vision is to empower Akwesasnro:non to take leading roles in the community by pursuing a post-secondary education. Higher Education will help our people become qualified to fill the vital roles within our community. The AMBE PSAP Mission is to provide information and financial assistance to community members who wish to attain a post-secondary education.
Contact Information
Veronica Jacobs, Data Systems Administrator
Hannah McDonald, Student Support Liaison
Phone: 613-575-2754
Address: 16 Iohahi:io Road, Akwesasne, QC H0M 1A1
Iohahi:io - Akwesasne Adult Education & Training Institute
Iohahi:io, meaning the good road, is an Educational and Training Institute. Iohahi:io partners with post-secondary educational institutes to offer certificate, diploma and training opportunities. Our mission at Iohahi:io is to provide ongoing, quality, continuous learning opportunities that promote relevant individual and community development.
Contact Information
Phone: 613-575-2754
Address: 16 Iohahi:io Road, Akwesasne, QC H0M 1A1
Contact North - Akwesasne
Contact North is an online education provider with the purpose of helping people get their degree, diploma, certificate or upgrade their skills all online and all without leaving their community.
*Note: A representative from Contact North visits our ACESS office every Wednesday from 9:00am-12:00pm.
Currently this service has been suspended due to the covid-19 pandemic. Please check our events calendar to see when this service will resume.
Contact Information
Barbara Matthews

Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe (SRMT)
The Saint Regis Mohawk Tribal Council is the duly elected and recognized government of the Mohawk people. With over 100 programs, we provide services in Healthcare, Social Services, Law Enforcement, Planning and Infrastructure and Environment, just to name a few. Employing roughly 600 staff members, we offer opportunities for help with education, training, financial assistance, forestry, mental health and much more. Visit our website to explore the variety of services we offer. Our Facebook page is updated multiple times daily and is a great resource for upcoming events, jobs and community outreach.
Contact Information
For General Inquiries:
For Employment Inquiries:
For Education Inquires:
Phone: 518-358-2272
Mohawk Council of Akwesasne (MCA)
The Mohawk Council of Akwesasne, better known as MCA, is a Community Government, which is elected by the residents of the Mohawk Community of Akwesasne. Every three years, four (4) Chiefs are elected from each of the three districts within Akwesasne: Kawehno:ke (Cornwall Island), Kana:takon (St. Regis) and Tsi Snaihne (Snye).
There are a total of 12 District Chiefs and one Grand Chief who is elected by the entire community. Together, the Chiefs comprise Mohawk Council. They accept political responsibility for specific areas of Community work. They also participate in portfolio committees to achieve community goals.
The Mohawk Council of Akwesasne takes responsibility for many areas. There are Nine departments within MCA, they include: Ahkwesahsne Mohawk Board of Education, Akwesasne Mohawk Police Service, Department of Central Resource Services, Department of Community and Social Services, Department of Tehotiiennawakon, Department of Health, Department of Housing, Department of Justice, and Department of Technical Services.
Contact Information
For contact information by department, click the link below:
Phone: 613-575-2250